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Contact & Event Information

General Cancellation/Refund Policy

Always check with the Trial Event Host to understand their specific Cancellation Policy

Typically there will be NO REFUNDS after the events' "Closing Date". You will find the Closing date on the 'Event Information' Page after selecting the specific event.

o Refunds for an event may be applicable under the following circumstances.

1) When an entry is pulled out (withdrawn/cancelled) before the event closing date. If payment was via check, typically the check will destroyed. If paying by paypal, popmoney, etc. typically your entry fee will be refunded, but not fees from paypal, popmoney, etc., that you may have paid to them.

2) When an entry is pulled out (withdrawn/cancelled) AFTER the event closing date, but before the event start date, and if your entry slot(s) can be replaced from the wait list, you will typically be entitled to a refund which will be paid directly to you. However, fees from paypal, popmoney, etc., that you may have paid for those services, are not eligible for a refund.

3) Check directly with the event host if extenuating circumstances exist.

Remember to check with the Trial Event Host to understand their specific Cancellation Policy

Running Order, Wait List, Scores (when available)

2023 A Shepherd`s Retreat Fall Sheepdog Trial

Event Location:   38423 State Route 530 NE, Arlington WA 98223

Lynne Green,   lynne.green@comcast.net   360-572-1440  
Host Addr:   38423 State Route 530 NE      Arlington, WA    98223
Alternate Contact:  Lynne Green,   360-572-1440 lynne.green@comcast.net
Your event Host's web site is "ashepherdsretreat.com/" (Opens in new Window)

  Event Dates, Times, etc.  
First Day of Event :  Sep-09-2023

Last Day of Event :  Sep-10-2023

This Event is Not Open for Online Entry

changes at this time.

Entry Opens :  Jul-17-2023

Entry Closes :  Aug-15-2023

click to [Hide / Show] Course Legs for Each Class

ClassCourse Legs for Each Class
Open1Outrun(20)[1],Lift(10)[1],Fetch(20)[1],Drive(30)[0], Shed(10)[0],Pen(10)[0]

Classes, Dates/times, Fees, etc., are subject to change via the Event Host
Class Day / Start Time Fee Field & When Judge
Open1 Sep-09(Sat) 07:00 AM $ 65.00 Main Field - 1st Paul_Murray
ProNovice1 Sep-09(Sat) after prior class $ 50.00 Main Field - 2nd Paul_Murray
Nursery1 Sep-09(Sat) after prior class $ 35.00 Main Field - 3rd Paul_Murray
Open2 Sep-10(Sun) 07:00 AM $ 65.00 Main Field - 1st Paul_Murray
ProNovice2 Sep-10(Sun) after prior class $ 50.00 Main Field - 2nd Paul_Murray
Nursery2 Sep-10(Sun) after prior class $ 35.00 Main Field - 3rd Paul_Murray
Click Manage Your Account, (and Manage Your Dog(s) ),
to ensure your email, phone, dogs, etc., are up-to-date. (See the BLUE MENU BAR above.)

Important Notes:
o By the use of this facility I agree to the Waivers and Releases.

Click to Verify Your Email is correct - DTE will soon be changing to email/password login -

** Name/Password login is to be discontinued **

Online Entry Rules

o You may enter multiple classes with 2 dogs per class on one Entry Form
o All Dogs Entered on the first 3 days will be treated as if being entered on he very first day
and managed equally in terms of any waitlist.
o Nursery1 and ProNovice1 will be a combined run as a single class.
- You must enter your dog in BOTH classes if you want sanctioning/points for both.
o Nursery2 and ProNovice2, same thing **EXCEPT SEPARATE CHECKS please
- Because this combined class will only be run if time permits.

o 3rd dogs, must be entered on a separate Entry Form and require a separate check (room permitting).

Other Details . . .
o No refunds after Closing date, (without vet note).

o Receipt of check, along with either printed web page receipt, printed email receipt or printed Dog Trial Entry "WHAT HAVE I ENTERED" page and the signed waiver release is required within 7 days of electronic entry.
o To Print Entry and Waiver Forms: click WHAT HAVE I ENTERED and print individual pages as needed.

Please * MANAGE YOUR ACCOUNT * to ensure your email is correct or you will NOT get your Online Entry receipt!
- You may be notified by email about this event for other reasons also . . .
- When payment is received.
- When you are approved / wait listed.
- When trial info changes, etc.

o Click `WHAT HAVE I ENTERED`(Blue Menu Bar) anytime to check the status of your entry.

Payment Information: (7)
Receipt of Payment is required within 7 days of electronic entry.

o Check Payments - mail your signed Waiver/Release with your check
    - Check payable to Name: A Shepherd`s Retreat
    - Pay Address: A Shepherd`s Retreat c/o Lynne Green 38423 State Route 530 NE Arlington, WA, 98223, USA

o To Print Entry and Waiver Forms: click WHAT HAVE I ENTERED and print page 2 and maybe 3

o Farm flock of un-worked lambs for Open / ewes and yearlings for PN and Nursery
o Sheep replacement cost $300.00; Pay Vet bill in case of minor injuries.

o From I5 (from both North and South direction, it`s about 25-30 Minutes)
- Use exit 208 Arlington, Hwy 530.
- Travel to the east. In 4 miles 530 meets with Hwy9
- Turn left for 200 feet
- Then immediately take the right to continue on 530.
- Just past mile marker 43 you will see the trial field on the left then the road to enter the farm.
o Click for a map directions to get to A Shepard`s Retreat.
Map for Directions (Scroll down to see map)

RV parking available, no hookups - Please indicate on your entry form if you are bringing a camper. Contact Lynne Green for additional information on camper parking.

o Day parking: Please park in the paddock next to the barn. (Campers check with Lynne.)

o USBCHA Sanctioned
o OSDS sanctioned
o WASH points
We reserve the right to prohibit any individual from attending this event.

Site Waiver / Release and 2023 A Shepherd`s Retreat Fall Sheepdog Trial Waiver / Release
Site Waiver and Release
Thank you for using www.DogTrialEntry.com. By the use of this facility, you agree to the waivers and releases and you also agree to hold harmless www.dogTrialEntry.com, Participant Events, MBA Technology, Inc. and their owners, employees, associates, and business partners from any damages from the use of this site. Please report any errors or omissions on this site to the Event Contact for this Event.

2023 A Shepherd`s Retreat Fall Sheepdog Trial Waiver and Release
I hereby assume the sole responsibility for and agree to indemnify and save A Shepherd`s Retreat and its agents harmless from any and all loss and expense (including legal fees) by reason of the liability imposed by law upon them for damage because of bodily injuries, including death at any time resulting therefrom sustained by any person or persons arising out of or in consequences of my participation in the herding/trialing activities, howsoever such injuries, death or damage to property may be caused and whether or not the same may have caused or may be alleged to have been caused by negligence the farm or any agents or any other persons. I will pay for any livestock or replacement value in the event of the death of any livestock by my dog. In case of any injury to any stock caused by the dog entered, I will assume total responsibility for any damage. I will pay the full market value of $300 for the injured animal in case of serious injury or the veterinarian bill if the injury is slight.

Printed Name: ________________________________________________

Signature: ________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________

We reserve the right to prohibit any individual from attending this event. Firearms are prohibited.
Print Waiver/Release
(You can individually print the waiver/release page #)

We miss you... Mr. Worf

Enter this Event online

I agree to the waivers, releases, and requirements of this event and DogTrialEntry.com.

Fitness, Health & Wellness Coaching
Enjoy fitness at home, in your camper, or anywhere with Coach Geovy; Simply grab your phone, tablet, or laptop and reGeovinate!

Click Here: How Not to Play Tennis

Copyright © 2004-, all rights reserved. DogTrialEntry.com operates in association with Participant Events. All information submitted on this website is protected by our privacy policy.